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Workshop Contemporary poetry translation

Contemporary and sometimes experimental poetry is a special and difficult genre to work with as a translator. Such poetry often utilizes strategies based on semantic uncertainty and conceptualisms. For translators it is a challenge to know when to be loyal to the actual semantic and linguistic content or the idea or composition of the specific text. The issues are complicated even further when we take into consideration how to translate cultural and literary references, or if you work in collaboration with other translators, etc. This course will explore these topics, though not present answers, by introducing thoughts by writers, theorists and translators on the topic of translation.

Part of the course is a workshop specifically focused on the translation of texts by the Danish and Slovenian poets: Kenneth Krabat, Louise Juhl Dalsgaard, Cindy Lynn Brown, Barbara Korun, Primož Repar and Aleš Mustar.


1) Introduction and discussion

What is language made of, and how much is it actually possible to translate?

Literary and cultural references; what can you do and to what extent?

What can an editor with literary and poetic knowledge and abilities add to the equation?

Roland Barthes: On the Japanese language and how to be a stranger in a foreign language and appreciate the strangeness.

Marguerite Duras: A letter to the French Association of Translators.

2) Workshop and reading session

The second part of the course will be a workshop in which we will do a reading of translated texts written by the participants. The following discussion will form the basis for a whitepaper on translation of minority languages.

NB! Kurset foregår på engelsk, så det er nødvendigt at kunne forstå og tale engelsk på et vist niveau for at medvirke. Kurset efterfølges af en middag for kursisterne.

I 2017 udgav kenneth krabat, Cindy Lynn Brown og Mette Østergaard en ebog med oversættelser af de tre slovenske digtere, “Stolt Gasbrænder På Tre Ben”. Denne ebog kan hentes gratis på bølgende linkænder

Med en begrundet ansøgning forstås en kortere beskrivelse af dit professionelle virke, hvad du arbejder på lige nu, hvorfor netop dette kursus har din interesse, og hvad du regner med at få ud af kurset.



Henrik Majlund Toft

Oversætter og redaktør. cand. mag. i litteraturvidenskab med fagligt speciale i ny amerikansk og skandinavisk litteratur.

Har oversat litteratur og poesi fra norsk, svensk, tysk og engelsk.

Oversættelser i udvalg;
Ida Börjel "Sabotagemanualerne", udkommer på 2017 på Antipyrine
Michael Palmer "Fornuftens Landsby", Antipyrine 2016
Franco Bifo Berardi "Poesi og Finans". Tidsskriftet Monsieur Antipyrine, 2014.

UKON: uddrag fra "Barndomstolen", Ny Svensk Poesi, Forlaget Arena, 2014.

Michael Palmer, Udvalg fra Baudelaire serie, trykt i "Morgenrøde" #7

Meez: "mezangellen". In Words Drown I. Bogprojekt under Roskilde bibliotek.
Vanessa Place & Rob Fitterman, "Notater om konceptualisme", Forlaget Afterhand 2012.

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