Billy O'Shea

Sidst opdateret: 23. oktober 2022
Billy O'Shea


Forfatter og oversætter. Født i 1957, jeg har boet i Danmark siden 1981. Jeg er uddannet på Trinity College Dublin og Københavns Universitet. I 2000 modtog jeg universitetets guldmedalje for en afhandling om vekselvirkningen mellem kultur og information i oversættelse. Jeg har været fuldtidsoversætter og forfatter siden 1999.


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Dansk Oversætterforbund, De skønlitterære

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Forlag: Black Swan Udgivelsesår: 2024

Strange Tales from the North

A collection of fantastic tales written by Billy O’Shea, inspired by the paintings of Otto Frello.

Otto Frello (1924-2015) was a Danish painter of fantastic scenes who lived in the centre of Copenhagen for most of his life.

Billy O’Shea (b. 1957) is an Irish writer of fantasy and speculative fiction, and a long-time admirer of Frello’s work.

Both of them are concerned with opening portals to other worlds, for the rest of us to step through and explore.