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Danish Authors’ Society

Danish Authors’ Society was founded in 1894 and today comprises app. 1450 authors, translators and illustrators.

The aim of the society is to improve conditions for creative artists in general and for members of the society in particular.

Danish Authors’ Society offers its members a wide range of seminars, legal advice, information about bursaries and grants and much more.


Six Professional Groups

The society is organized in six professional groups: Fiction, poetry, non-fiction, children’s and youth literature, illustration and translation. The society is also home to various interest groups such as: Haiku, women writers and seniors’ activities.



If you want to apply for membership of the society, you must fill in this form.

For further information, please contact:

Dansk Forfatterforenings sekretariat, Strandgade 6, st., 1401 Copenhagen K.


Telephone: +45 32955100

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